31 Year old Brandon Huntly has been granted refugee status in Canada because of the "clear and convincing proof of the state's (south African government) inability or unwillingness to protect him."
This is the first time that a white South African has been granted refugee status in Canada on the basis that white people in SA are being persecuted by blacks.
Mr. Huntley was attacked seven times by black South Africans and was stabbed on 3 occasions. The attacks happened with attempted robberies and muggings.
During these attacks the black South Africans called him "a white dog" and "a settler."
This raises a few questions:
1.) Does this pave the way for future refugee claims?
2.) Are whites really under attack in SA?
3.) Is the Government actively turning a blind eye or are they just hopelessly bad?
4.) Is this decision justified?
Shrubs with White Flowers
It's early March. No new leaves, yet, in Brooklyn, but the Asian witch
hazels are in bloom and little past bloom. Snowdrops have been out for
weeks, as ...
2 days ago